Feeling Stuck ...Free Yourself Now.

by on May 14,2020

Feeling Stuck in Your Career? Read This Now

Close your eyes and imagine your dream career. Does it coincide with your skills and interests? Do you feel confident and in control?

Now, compare that dream to your actual work situation. If you're like many hardworking professionals, you're currently feeling stuck in life. This feeling can prompt a myriad of other emotions, including doubt, worry, and even guilt. It's time to break this cycle and move towards your professional potential. Below, we explain how to find your passion — and how to make it a key element of your career.

Determine What You Don't Like About Your Current Career

Before you can discover what you need from a future career path, you need to understand what, exactly, is not working in your current job. Perhaps you feel unappreciated after giving it your all for several years and not receiving a promotion. Maybe you lack challenge, so you feel bored. Maybe there's too much challenge — and you feel stressed. Think carefully about why you're not satisfied and determine how a different career trajectory might fix these issues.

Identify Your Skills And Passions

An ideal job blends your skills and passions while also providing a healthy work environment in which you feel empowered. All this can feel like a lot to find in one job, but it's not as out of reach as you might think.

To begin, determine where your natural talents lie. If you're not sure, think back to school — which subjects did you ace without trying? Some skills come naturally and others are the result of years of hard work. Both are valuable. Determine what you're currently good at, what you're naturally good at, and where you possess the most knowledge. These attributes will come in handy as you seek your next job.

Finding your passion can prove surprisingly tricky. Many people have yet to stumble upon their true passion, despite spending years pursuing a variety of hobbies.

Take a moment to think: if you could spend an afternoon doing anything at all (paying no mind to finances or time commitment), what would you do? Whatever comes to mind first may be your number one passion. Consider other areas of interest or untapped possibilities — these also could be hidden passions.

Integrating Skill And Passion

Now, it's time to find the right blend between your skills and your passions. If you're lucky, these will naturally overlap in a way that allows you to earn a living. That's not the case for everybody, however — but this doesn't doom you to a job you hate. Creative solutions abound. For example, somebody passionate about football but not particularly skilled in athletics can work in sports marketing or other behind-the-scenes niches

Reach New Heights With Mothership

If you're feeling stuck in your career, you need — above all else — to take action. If you're not feeling ready to hit the interview circuit, that's fine. At this point, however, the status quo won't cut it. Take small steps to determine why you're stuck and where you'd like to be in the future. With a little effort and a lot of discernment, you can score a job — and a life — you love.

If you’re feeling lost in the entrepreneurial world, it’s time you checked out the Mothership Mentorship Services today! To book a consultation, call us at (833) 257-8633 or complete our online contact form.

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